Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chapter 6

Excersise 1:

"Security is more important than privacy."

According to the Rasmussen Report, in 2008, 51% of Americans said that Security is more important than provacy. It is proven over and over again that Security in fact is more important than privacy. Brining up, 9/11 and how increased security may have stopped the 9/11 attack but in order to gain security American citizens would have to give up some privacy. There is a direct correlation between security and privacy. When security is increased privacy is decreasing. The better good of the whole is more important than the privacy. Without security there would be no privacy.


1 comment:

  1. A lot of claims, not a lot of examples or links as to why security provides privacy or how security is more important. It is asserted, but never proven in the post. Use examples.
