Monday, September 6, 2010

Burden of Proof - Chapter 1

Exercise 2

 1. Sarah Palin at Restoring Honor Rally:

     Ethos - Her credibility for this speech was being the mother of a Marine.
     Pathos - She was passionate. It reflected in her voice fluctuation, hand gestures and body language.
     Logos - She used stories/past experiences of military veterans.

2. President Obama's Speech on End of Iraq War

    Ethos - His credibility is acting as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
    Pathos - His emotions for the speech was not evident.
    Logos - His logic and reasoning was well spoken. He had many advisors supporting his decision and clearly stated the plan for the "End of the Iraq War."

3. Any Commercial - Old Spice

   Ethos - The credibility is coming from someone that uses the product.
   Pathos - His emotions are evident that he enjoys the product and what benifits he gets from it.
   Logos - His logic is that when you smell good you will ge the things you want and can only imagine.

Exercise 4:

 1. Major Premise: All Borisov's family members are smart.
     Minor Premise: I am a Borisov family member.
     Conclusion: I am smart.

2. Major Premise: Northwest costs $32,000 a year to attend.
    Minor Premise: I attend Northwest University.
    Conclusion: I owe $32,000.

3. Major Premise: Life is always changing.
    Minor Premise: I am living.
    Conclusion: I am always changing.

4. Major Premise: All people in this class have homework.
    Minor Premise: I am in this class.
    Conclusion: I have homework.

5. Major Premise: People that are crazy enough to think they can change the world actually do.
    Minor Premise: I am crazy enough to think that I can change the world.
    Conclusion: I can change the world.

1 comment:

  1. Good syllogisms, make sure to come up with pathos for every speech (it's there, lack of emotion is seriousness, which is an emotion).
